Book Stigg The Clown
Stigg the clown is a clown called Stigg. His hair is his own, it’s not a wig! Don’t laugh at his nose because it’s really big Just invite him along to your special gig! With circus equipment and balloons galore, the kids won’t have enough time to get bored! On his five foot unicycle he’ll soon hit the floor – But the kids all just laugh, and then shout out “More!” With robotic impressions he’ll moonwalk around, and his feet will appear to float on the ground! With his crystal ball he will totally astound – The crowds that are watching ol’ Stigg the clown.
Stigg the Clown : Book for your event
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Book Stigg The Clown
Want to find out more? Give us a call on +44 (0) 203 0624040