Book Sand Animation Show
Sand Artist – Poland & International
This Sand Animation Show is an extremely unusual and delightful to watch visual form of storytelling performed in real time in front of your audience. The constantly transforming projection of sand can tell the story of an event, an individual or, indeed, a company. The art form of sand animation requires many years of commitment and, as of today, is commercially available from only 10 people on a worldwide basis.
The Sand artist hails from Poland but has already graced a number of events in his homeland of Poland and globally. Sand animation is the one and only highly exclusive product available on the European event market at the moment. It is ideal as an artistic setting for cultural events, company events, as well as, for family and wedding occasions. The animator studied at an art university as a designer, painter and teacher.
Technical Specification:
The sand artist will need a table of 1m x 1.5m, a projector, projector screen, and the room will need to be pitch black.
The artist will have excess baggage of up to 70kg for his equipment when travelling to events held outside of the Poland.
Standard Length of Performance:
The artist usually performs 2 shows, each one lasting 10 minutes.
The Sand Animation Show is available to perform in Poland & Internationally.
Sand Animation Show : Testimonials | Videos | Previous Clients | Book for your event
Here’s what Sand Animation Show’s clients said:
We recently hosted the sand animation act at our international meeting congress in Wroclaw, and we must admit, this is a work of art spelled out with a huge “A”. The show was original and innovative, and can be a great addition to corporate event or educational conference. Our clients were mesmerised by the performance. The professionalism and amazing craftsmanship are huge attributes of the sand artist. We are very pleased!
Branzo Event Agency
I recommend the sand animator. Whilst working on this project, he proved to be as a professional of his work, and amazed all the guests with his show. He really has a right to be called the best sand animation artist. I highly recommend him as a specialist of his kind, and as a person who will decorate the most extraordinary event with his unusual skills, and a unique atmosphere that he creates during his show.
Sanet Telecom
…..The client absolutely loved it, there were tears and laughs – it was the highlight of the night! Thank you so much!
Cascade Productions International Ltd (via Contraband)
Sand Animation Show’s Previous Clients:
British American Tobacco
Phillip Morris
Coca Cola
RPA Embassy
Ferrero Roscher
Bank Kipra
Superior Golf Club
Costa Coffee
Altius Soft
Kazachstan Temir Zoly
Caucasus Travel Ltd
Karpe Diem Hotel
Armenian Online Perfume Store
INGO Armenia
Top Motors
Videos of Sand Animation Show
Book Sand Animation Show
Want to find out more? Give us a call on +44 (0) 203 0624040