Book RinTinTin
Various Comedy Characters
Rin Tin Tin is an established UK street arts company specializing in taking everyday characters and making them larger than life.
Rin Tin Tin prides itself on its in-depth research and attention to detail when creating some of the most visually interesting and comic characters around. This approach means that the company’s work is of a high standard and accessible to culturally diverse audiences of all ages.
Acts Available Include:
Original Salsa Stilt Dancers
Queen Elizabeth I and Walter Raleigh
The Tree and Gardener
Havana Clue: Comedy Fortune Teller
The Wind people
Gywneth Poultry the Farming Eggspert
Style Guru with Ginny & Savannah.
Rintintin’s acts are performed on stilts or on the ground and have been very well received at festivals, cabaret, corporate, street theatre and community events throughout the UK and abroad.
Standard Length of Performance: 3 x 30 minute sets.
RinTinTin – Various Comedy Characters : Testimonials | Previous Clients | Book for your event
Here’s what RinTinTin – Various Comedy Characters’ clients said:
Just wanted to thank you for the Good Queen Bess and Drake in Lisbon. They went down a storm and I have had so many people comment to me about them, all brilliant. The client loved them, the audience obviously did and what really gratified me was the reaction of my peers in the industry
PCI Live
Thank you for the very excellent contribution you made to Arts fresco. It only worked because you made it and we do appreciate all you did.
Arts Fresco, Market Harborough
RinTinTin – Various Comedy Characters’ Previous Clients:
O2 Arena
Grosvenor Hotels
Elton John
Richard Branson
The Globe Theatre
The Royal Festival Hall
Bergen International Festival
Commonwealth Games
JK Rowling
Southwark Frost Fair
Hampton Court Music Festival
The Princess’ Trust
PCI Live
Book RinTinTin – Various Comedy Characters
Want to find out more? Give us a call on +44 (0) 203 0624040