Book DJ Yoda
Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Electro DJ
As booking agent for DJ Yoda we can book DJ Yoda to put a spectacular mix of slick tunes & visuals for your special event. DJ Yoda specialises in mixing Hip Hop, Trip Hop, Electro music and trail-blazed into the world of audio-visual, pioneering of a new art form, using cutting edge technology that he has been instrumental in developing, to scratch and mix visuals on top of his DJ sets in the clubs.
DJ Yoda uses his brilliant turntable skills to sample film and TV to create intricate and highly entertaining audiovisual collages, transforming the average night out into a fusion of clubbing and the movies.
Contraband is the UK’s top booking agent, with helpful, skilled account managers who guarantee you the best deal possible. Contact us today if you would like to book DJ Yoda to be the headline of your event! We as your booking agent are more than happy to help you create the most memorable moments with DJ Yoda.
DJ Yoda : Videos | Book for your event
Videos of DJ Yoda
Book DJ Yoda
Want to find out more? Give us a call on +44 (0) 203 0624040